The Island Boys Were Removed From The Jake Paul Fight After They Got Caught Throwing Their Own Shoes At People In The Crowd

I know I shouldn't blog about these guys because it only makes them more powerful, but I can't help myself. This story was also overshadowed by the fact that Jake Paul knocked out Tyron Woodley so it deserves some attention. I mean the way things escalated are hilarious. They went from getting booed while walking into the arena, to standing on their chairs screaming at people...

To getting drinks thrown at them...

To literally being removed from the building for throwing their shoes…

Just a total embarrassment for Island Boys everywhere. Even their manager got in on the fun…

 And not to sounds like a dick, but I'm still confused as to how do these two take themselves seriously? They can't, right? They're cartoon characters. Part of me thinks they're trolling. I refuse to believe that any human can have such a lack of self-awareness. Like, they actually think they're tough. It's so bizarre. Then they go on TikTok and answer questions about how it's not weird for them to share the same bed. None of it makes sense. Then again, maybe it does and I'm just old. Thirty-two in internet years may as well be one hundred and thirty two. Oh well. Hopefully this is the last time I write about these goobers. Congrats to Jake Paul on the win. Now take it away, Austin…






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